"My experience with Mentor Mums has been amazing - it was exactly the support that I didn’t even realise I needed at the right time. What can I say?! Mentoring with Emma has positively benefited my life in so many ways. "
— Steph, Senior Product Manager

"Amazing to connect with someone with shared experience, great tips for managing issues and concerns that arise when starting and running a business... I have some really excellent strategies in place now."
— Julia, Architect & Landscape designer

"My mentor was brilliant at coaxing out information and helping guide my thinking when things felt a bit all over the place and chaotic. Her experience really helped bring my sessions to life and allowed discussions around shared experiences, which I found invaluable."
— Anne, Head of Communications

"I have found my relationship with my mentor super useful. She has helped me think through a number of early issues in my new role. You matched us very well and I always really look forward to our sessions once a month."
— Agnes, Business Consultant

"I was really nervous returning to work - to a new role in a new company - after maternity leave. But my mentor has really helped calm my nerves and give me strategies for how to feel confident."
— Emily, Professional Development Expert